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Medical Advisor Journals - Home of Kyle J. Norton for The Better of Living & Living Health: Most common Diseases of Ages of 50+: Musculo-Skele...

Medical Advisor Journals - Home of Kyle J. Norton for The Better of Living & Living Health: Most common Diseases of Ages of 50+: Musculo-Skele... : Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is medical condition mostly caused by work related occupations and working environment, affecting patien...

How to avoid being overcharged for hospital stay

Here is a wonderful article by AARP that helps you avoid being overcharged by hefty sums by the hospital you hopefully will never need to stay. However, sadly, it's fact of life, at some point in our life we need to be hospitalized. Here is ways to avoid "observation trap": Please follow this very important link to avoid ugly surprises someday:

what you need for your eye care

Here is some of my notes: Vitamin A 25,000 IU Vitamin D 800 IU Vitamin E 400 IU Vitamin C 2,(00 mg. Thiamin (B-1) 80 mg. Riboflavin (B-2) 200 mg. Niacin (B-3) 80 mg. Pantothenic Acid (B-5) 100 mg. Pytidoxine (") 200 mg. Calcium ... 500 mg. Magnesium I 250 mg. Zinc 75 mg.