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Showing posts with the label autism

How Your Invisible Exposome Cloud Could Be Messing With Your Health

Further research into this topic lead me to the CDC's website and here is the introductory information about what Exposome is: "What is the exposome? Success in mapping the human genome has fostered the complementary concept of the “exposome”. The exposome can be defined as the measure of all the exposures of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health. An individual’s exposure begins before birth and includes insults from environmental and occupational sources. Understanding how exposures from our environment, diet, lifestyle, etc. interact with our own unique characteristics such as genetics, physiology, and epigenetics impact our health is how the exposome will be articulated. Here is the full article Here is a very interesting article regarding autism and exposome: The Answer to Autism Lies in the Exposome [Fatherly] Lauren Vinopal FatherlyOctober 11, 2019   ====================== Mental Health Resources as of November 13, 2020 https://d...

About chemtrails and the environment

Have the hashtag #chemtrails and you will have many resources, regular citizens talking about it. Also read the response of people, specially on youtube and their reaction. I did further research about chemtrails or the vapors above the skies and here is varying opinions and explanations at Quora: So best to listen to all these people and accordingly make up my mind about it.

Article: Neurosurgeon Explains How You can Detox Chemtrail Poisons

Explaining what those chemtrails are. In the sky you would see often a large trail of crisscross of clouds manmade by plains. Check this article /

Autism information and updates

Updated information on July 21, 2023 Everything you need to know about autism in adults Signs and symptoms Diagnosis Living with autism Summary Read about Kimberly Drake's perspective Autism in adults may present with different symptoms than in children. Many adults learn to live with the symptoms, and this can make diagnosis difficult. Autism  spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the  most common Trusted Source  neurodevelopmental disorders. In most cases, autistic people receive a diagnosis in childhood, usually after the  age of 4 years . However, some autistic adults are not diagnosed in childhood, even if their symptoms are more severe.Common signs and symptoms of ASD in adults can  include Trusted Source : difficulty making conversation difficulty making or maintaining close friendships discomfort during eye contact challenges with regulating emotions extreme interest in one particular topic frequent monologues on the same subject or subjects hypers...