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Showing posts with the label self-esteem


  30 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago Like why it’s important to be a leader and how to lighten up. Darius Foroux   quotes from above article: Here are 30 of those reminders that others taught me. Struggle Is Good Never say “I can’t take it anymore.” Say “Bring it on!” Don’t Complain Complaining is the biggest waste of time there is. Either do something about it, and if you can’t, shut up about it. Spend Time With People You Love That’s your family and best friends. If you don’t have a family, create one. Most people in life are only visitors. Family is for life.     And here is another quote about life: 1 ... Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems. 2 ... I like to walk in the rain, so that no one can see my tears. 3 ... The most wasted day in life is the day we don't laugh. 4 ... The six best doctors in the world ... 1. Sun, 2. Rest, 3. Exercise, 4. Diet, 5. Self-esteem 6. Friends. If you see the moon, y...