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Showing posts with the label chaman

History of Armenian Basturma + recipe

  HISTORY OF BASTURMA Armenian: ԱՊՈՒԽՏ via FB Les Recettes Arméniennes !!!! group   Also called Bastirma or Pastirma, is an air-dried cured beef which has been strongly seasoned and is popularly consumed in the former Ottoman countries.The Bastirma is derived from Turkish word bastırma et . Bastirma et is non-finite verb of the word bastırmak , which means “to depress or restrain”. Various types of Bastirma recipes are enjoyed throughout the Eastern Europe. The Bastirma is famous throughout the region with names such as pastërma in Albania, basterma in Arabia, basturma in Armenia, basdırma in Azerbaijan, pastrma in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia, pastărma in Bulgaria, pastourmás or pastroumás in Greece, and pastramă in Romania. Many people confuse Bastirma with pastrami which is a different type of meat preparation which has Yiddish origins. It is variously known as pastirma to (pastrómeh) in Yiddish. History of Pastirma:- The first recorded mention of Basturma dates ...