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Showing posts with the label nutrition

Malnutrition and Malabsorption: Nutrition and allergies

  What causes malabsorption? Causes and types Symptoms Seeing a doctor Diagnosis Treatments Complications Takeaway Malabsorption is a disorder that occurs when people are unable to absorb nutrients from their diets, such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, or vitamins.  some quotes from the above article: Malabsorption symptoms vary according to the cause, the severity of the condition, and how long a person has had the disorder. Examples of some immediate malabsorption symptoms that may occur: bloating and stomach distention diarrhea fatigue gas steatorrhea, or stool that is pale to white stools that appear “greasy” in texture stomach cramping weakness People need nutrients from food to maintain a healthy body. When their body cannot properly absorb these nutrients, they might experience the more long-term effects of malabsorption. These include: bone pain bones that fracture easily iron-deficiency anemia , which can result in shortness of breath muscle wasting...

Healthy living

 updated information October 29, 2021 100 Ways to Live to 100: A Definitive Guide to Longevity Fitness Coastal living, board games, not eating hot dogs. It's all in here.   ========================== Here is your DIY healthy living must have in your kitchen. I have one and I love it!

Maamoul recipe

This is one of my top favorite desserts! Sharing the link to a very cool blog post: /     Nutritional information of dates: Date palm is very varied and because of the great value that this fruit has, almost all varieties of dates are of great economic value. Date has many health benefits including: constipation, bowel disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual disorders, diarrhea, gastrointestinal cancer and many other physical problems. It is also one of the beneficial properties of dates that it is also useful for weight gain. It is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This delicious fruit contains oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and magnesium, all of which are beneficial to the health of the body.