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About oxalates and kidney stones

  Are Oxalates Bad for You? And Should You Avoid Foods that are High in Oxalates? Ocean Robbins · Published August 11, 2021 · 9 min read Summary Oxalates are compounds present in a wide variety of plant foods. Some health influencers tell us that they can cause kidney stones — and that they prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients. But how warranted are those claims? Here’s what you need to know about oxalates, and whether to include foods that contain them in your diet.   Notes from the above article: " The kidney stones that contributed to Napoleon’s demise may have come (in part) from his almond consumption. But the medical field wasn’t quite as developed back then as it is today. And in the modern world, research is telling us that while high oxalate foods may contribute to the formation of some kidney stones, there are other factors that may be at least as significant. It turns out that there are four basic types of kidney ...