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Coronavirus vaccine comments via social media

Feb 12, 2021: on twitter: 𝙳𝚛 𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚖 𝙺𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚗 @DrPunamKrishan · Feb 11 Fact: Vaccine side effects are better than getting COVID. I’ve had patients decline the vaccine due to fear of side effects Yes, the vaccine can make you feel a bit groggy (achey arm, headache, fever) but these are transient & a sign that your immune system is responding well. Howard Griffiths @HowardGriffiths Replying to @DrPunamKrishan We are looking for reassurance...Our 78 year old father had his Oxford AstraZeneca 1st jab 27th January. He has been extremely tired ever since. He has numerous medical conditions & very low platelets but normally active. He seems to be fading. 18 days on is this normal? Folded hands  ==================  @JohnKeith53 · Feb 14 Replying to @DrPunamKrishan My wife and I both had the Astrazeneca vaccine on Friday. Little reaction in me, slight headache, but my wife said she got the shivers and felt very cold in the night. She is convinced she had Covid l...