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  30 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago Like why it’s important to be a leader and how to lighten up. Darius Foroux   quotes from above article: Here are 30 of those reminders that others taught me. Struggle Is Good Never say “I can’t take it anymore.” Say “Bring it on!” Don’t Complain Complaining is the biggest waste of time there is. Either do something about it, and if you can’t, shut up about it. Spend Time With People You Love That’s your family and best friends. If you don’t have a family, create one. Most people in life are only visitors. Family is for life.     And here is another quote about life: 1 ... Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems. 2 ... I like to walk in the rain, so that no one can see my tears. 3 ... The most wasted day in life is the day we don't laugh. 4 ... The six best doctors in the world ... 1. Sun, 2. Rest, 3. Exercise, 4. Diet, 5. Self-esteem 6. Friends. If you see the moon, y...

What to do for back pain

I came across this article. I tried to save in Pinterest, however it didn't work. Not sure why it didn't work. I decided to have the link in my blog. Here is the title: 5 foot exercises to relieve back and hip pain If you try these exercises and if it works, let us know! -------------------------- A Comprehensive Guide to the New Science of Treating Lower Back Pain A review of 80-plus studies upends the conventional wisdom. Vox Julia Belluz

How much exercise do you need?

Most of us fall in the category of doing everything sitting down. At times I feel like getting up and walk. I wish I walked more often. What motivates you to move often? I keep track of it via my iPhone app. It helps checking how much I have walked each day. I love walking in Manhattan, I can easily do over 10k steps! However, at home area, I have to make an effort to get up and walk! Today after taking care of updating a website, at five pm I decided I had to go out and walk. The good thing is that two long blocks away we have an open mall. Vibrant with many boutiques and restaurants, stores I like to frequent. I did about 3k.

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout

From the New York Times: In 12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science.    added this source and following on instagram (6/22/2021)   Here is another Full-Body strength workout    A 25-Minute Low-Impact Resistance Band Workout for Your Upper Body Challenge your arms, shoulders, and back with this sweaty strength routine. By Jenny McCo y