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Stupidity related articles

 I hadn't read any article about stupidity. So here is someone who dared write about it: How often we see people and we think "how stupid they are?" Yeah, judgemental, but some are undeniable stupid. Anytime we occasionally watch the news, we say "how stupid ..." and we decide it's best to channel serf and not waste time with some stupidity of this or that politician. In our circles we could see someone who unintentionally sabotages themself, perhaps at times by lack of filter? That's why we say "think 10 times and then roll the ball"  Words are like a ball, think and then roll or throw the ball - Armenian popular saying "dasse medadze, meg klore".  (Armenian saying: "dasse medadze, meg gedree" think ten times and then cut it. When you are sewing, you have to plan how to cut the fabric, follow the pattern and make sure it's absolutely right and then proceed to cut).  Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupid...