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Showing posts with the label human behavior

Relationships and personalities

Along our life's path, we meet variety of persons and personalities. Be it the family we are born into, the siblings and relatives. We encounter variety of personality traits and interactions. Some shock us with their behavior and at times you feel as if a brick hit you. Others show great harmony, which comes with maturity, which isn't defined by age. Many go in growing physically, however they are trapped and stop growing after a certain age. Some are at the 2 year old stage, others haven't matured beyond teen years and so on. Have you been the one who always has loved your family and siblings, however met with constant stone walling and abusive behavior? Are you surprised and unable to understand why kindness is met with hostility? Here is an article I would like to share with you. This article tries to help those whose empathy is met with shocking behavior and how to stop it! Your comments and insights are welcome! Why Empaths Attract Abusive People And How To Stop I...