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Showing posts with the label health benefits of beets

All about the benefits of BEETS

 I have always loved beets.  In this page I will be adding information about the beets and it's health benefits. Growing up, I had heard ladies talk about beets and how it had melted kidney stones. When a while back I had kidney stones, I asked my husband to buy me a can of beets. And within two days I passed the kidney stone! Also have lemon juice and plenty of water. NEW Study: Loading Up on THESE Vegetables Increases Muscle Strength, Even Without Exercise In a study published just last week in The Journal of Nutrition , researchers found that eating one cup a day of green leafy vegetables significantly boosts muscle function.  And, as it turns out, muscle function is good for a lot more than beating up cartoon bullies – it is strongly associated with health and well-being, supports bone strength, and leads to a decreased risk of falls with aging (an important benefit for a graying population).  Let’s take a look at the power of “green leafies” to enhance ...