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Showing posts with the label coronavirus

About Dr.Fauci and his track record

  Anthony Fauci: The face of America's fight against coronavirus  Quotes from above article: Son of a 'Doc' Born on Christmas Eve, 1940 to a family of immigrant Italian pharmacists in Brooklyn, Anthony was "delivering prescriptions from the time I was old enough to ride a bike," he told the Holy Cross college alumni magazine in 2002. In 1966, he graduated first in his class at Cornell medical school, whose library he had helped build as an undergraduate working construction to earn money over the summers.    

Coronavirus vaccine comments via social media

Feb 12, 2021: on twitter: 𝙳𝚛 𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚖 𝙺𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚗 @DrPunamKrishan · Feb 11 Fact: Vaccine side effects are better than getting COVID. I’ve had patients decline the vaccine due to fear of side effects Yes, the vaccine can make you feel a bit groggy (achey arm, headache, fever) but these are transient & a sign that your immune system is responding well. Howard Griffiths @HowardGriffiths Replying to @DrPunamKrishan We are looking for reassurance...Our 78 year old father had his Oxford AstraZeneca 1st jab 27th January. He has been extremely tired ever since. He has numerous medical conditions & very low platelets but normally active. He seems to be fading. 18 days on is this normal? Folded hands  ==================  @JohnKeith53 · Feb 14 Replying to @DrPunamKrishan My wife and I both had the Astrazeneca vaccine on Friday. Little reaction in me, slight headache, but my wife said she got the shivers and felt very cold in the night. She is convinced she had Covid l...

Be Prepared: What to do if you get the latest C word virus

From a friend of mine I got this info of anti viral herb plant: sweet Annie (Artemisia annua) for Covid-19 and Madagascar:   It was announced on my birthday April 20th by president of Madagascar: anti viral   WHO plays it down!! Telling a lie. China has used it for millenia for anti malaria.  Video: 2grB5d9qw   ============== This message is been circulating about our friends, sharing here for easy access. If it helps you, it would be great as well. BE PREPARED Everyone is telling you how to NOT catch coronavirus, but NO ONE is saying what to do if you get it. What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place: • good hand washing • personal hygiene • social distancing but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many of us will. So as your friendly neighborhood Nurse let me make some suggestions: If you get Covid-19 You basically...

Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About Coronavirus | WIRED

Ask the Know-It-Alls: What Is a Coronavirus? The 2019 novel coronavirus is one of seven members of this family known to infect humans. But how deadly is it? Coronavirus Quarantine: What happens now? Is the response to Coronavirus enough? I Inside Story About coronavirus on FB video explaining what it is. It turns out that in 1960 this virus was identified.