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Showing posts with the label healthy body

How to detox our body to combat viruses

Due to the latest coronavirus global outbreak, there have been variety of information circulating. I will share herewith some of them. Also, I will update them often Coronavirus Caused By 5G? What types of food we need to eat to detox our body of heavy metals? This inquiry resulted in these information: Heavy Metal Detox Diet Here is highlights from the article: Foods to eat Some foods can help you detoxify by getting rid of heavy metals from your body. These foods bind to the metals Trusted Source and remove them in the digestive process. Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals can have protective effects for those exposed to heavy metals. Heavy metal detox foods to eat include: cilantro garlic wild blueberries lemon water spirulina chlorella barley grass juice powder Atlantic dulse curry green tea tomatoes probiotics Also, if you aren’t getting the recommended daily intake of vitamins, consider ...