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Various tips and hacks for healthy environment

 This is a message from my girlfriend F. stick cloves in mandarines or oranges to keep the house smelling good. And if you burn something in the kitchen boil some eater with cinnamon in it. If you grow a vegetable/fruit garden sprinkle salt around the plants so slugs and snails won’t eat the plants because it melts them down on the way to their feast. A cut lemon too in the fridge is the same as a bowl of arm and hammer baking soda to absorb the refrigerator odors. Want fruit to ripen fast, put 1 lemon in the bag or bowl with them. Use with avocados and peaches and all those fruit they harvest so hard and Unripened. A bowl of vinegar attracts those fruit flies in the house. Sprinkle lemon juice with salt on ants coming into the house or even around the rims of the house outside or around the outer rims of your patio so ants don’t approach. Can also add vinegar to this if you want. Toilet clogged ? This works faster than all those liquid products even those c...