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Showing posts with the label ginger

Herbal tea blends and health benefits, remedies

Updated information on July 18, 2022   I often buy healthy packs, this includes dried beets. I love of course the fresh beets, however, at times we need a quick prepared ones in powder form. I don't limit it to drinks. I make my own fresh hummus and add a tablespoon of beats to it! Also mix the powder in my salad dressing. How do you use your dried powder beets?          ==========================  I subscribe to their newsletter and it has fascinating healthy information 43 Remedies from My Childhood that Still Work Today   I received the newsletter that has great information regarding each type of tea and what they're good for: from The Lost Herbs 46 Best Teas for Every Ailment Posted 6 days ago by Ann Marie in All Articles , Backyard Plants , Household Remedies   1. Green Tea for Weight Loss 2. Peppermint Tea for Tension Headaches and Migraines 3. Chamomile Tea for Mild Skin Conditions Such as Mild Eczema 4. Jasmin...

5 Amazing Treatments for Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Joint Pain...

We all hear or know someone who has arthritis. I was watching this video and it's amazing. I hope the tips in this video would help. I personally prefer natural cures. Castor oil, it's good also for stones. Stinging Nettle, Omega 3, ginger, fish oil however has mercury and heavy metals. Meat is acid forming. Cholesteroal Updated information on May 19, 2020: via Ani Quote from the article regarding the benefits of ginger "...Ginger is high in vitamins C and B6, along with magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. It’s full of both fiber and water, making it good for gut health and weight maintenance. It’s also low in calories and high in phytochemicals — the active compounds in whole plant foods that protect your health." The complete information is at: Ginger Benefits and Side Effects: Get the Facts on This Potent Spice Ocean Robbins · Published April 22, 2020