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Showing posts with the label geoengineering

About chemtrails and the environment

Have the hashtag #chemtrails and you will have many resources, regular citizens talking about it. Also read the response of people, specially on youtube and their reaction. I did further research about chemtrails or the vapors above the skies and here is varying opinions and explanations at Quora: So best to listen to all these people and accordingly make up my mind about it.

Alarming health Chemtrail Flu

This is very alarming, read this article about: Chemtrail Flu Recent article: Title: Heads UP! Chemtrail Flu Going Viral Worldwide; Aerosol Spraying Vaccines Now!!! conspiracy, geoengineering, health, mind control, NASA April 14, 2016 /

Article: Neurosurgeon Explains How You can Detox Chemtrail Poisons

Explaining what those chemtrails are. In the sky you would see often a large trail of crisscross of clouds manmade by plains. Check this article /