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Showing posts with the label pericardial effusion

What causes water in your heart?

I did some research for a dear very young person in his early 20s, who recently has the issue of water in his lungs. I always want to find the cause of any medical situation. Hence here are my findings and sharing with you. I hope you will find it useful. Let me know if you have any comments or additional suggestions regarding this health problem: I found out that this condition is referred to as called: Pericardial Effusion. WebMD has great detailed explanation at the following site: As per the above article, the causes might be one of the following: "...Many pericardial effusions are caused by particular medical conditions, such as HIV infection, lupus, or tuberculosis. In these cases, treating the underlying medical condition will often help treat the pericardial effusion." Here is a second source that discusses about pericardial effusion: at Everyday Health: