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Successful Preparation for Colonoscopy

Have you had your colonoscopy yet? It's great way to detect and take care of colon cancer. Many are afraid of it and I know some who avoid it. I know someone who is now in stage 4 colon cancer... it's very sad. Be courageous and have it done. My doctor told me that it takes 10 years for it to develop. Therefore, it's best to find it early and take it out! What's your experience with colonoscopy? Did you have it? Do you plan on having one soon?

Autism information and updates

Updated information on July 21, 2023 Everything you need to know about autism in adults Signs and symptoms Diagnosis Living with autism Summary Read about Kimberly Drake's perspective Autism in adults may present with different symptoms than in children. Many adults learn to live with the symptoms, and this can make diagnosis difficult. Autism  spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the  most common Trusted Source  neurodevelopmental disorders. In most cases, autistic people receive a diagnosis in childhood, usually after the  age of 4 years . However, some autistic adults are not diagnosed in childhood, even if their symptoms are more severe.Common signs and symptoms of ASD in adults can  include Trusted Source : difficulty making conversation difficulty making or maintaining close friendships discomfort during eye contact challenges with regulating emotions extreme interest in one particular topic frequent monologues on the same subject or subjects hypers...

Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer

 Updated information June 18, 2024  I came across this article regarding "cancer Alley" -> Since "articles and videos on social media" disappear, here is some paragraphs from the article and it's link is at: Since the 1980s, the 85-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that connects New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has been known as “ Cancer Alley .” The name stems from the fact that the area’s residents have a 95% greater chance of developing cancer than the average American. A big reason for this is the concentration of industrial facilities along the corridor — particularly petrochemical manufacturing plants, many of which emit ethylene oxide, an extremely potent toxin that is considered a carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency and has been linked to breast and lung cancers. But even though the general risks of liv...

Sugar: Hiding in plain sight - Robert Lustig

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout

From the New York Times: In 12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science.    added this source and following on instagram (6/22/2021)   Here is another Full-Body strength workout    A 25-Minute Low-Impact Resistance Band Workout for Your Upper Body Challenge your arms, shoulders, and back with this sweaty strength routine. By Jenny McCo y  

Remember everyday to...

Watch your definitions - THEY BECOME THOUGHTS Watch your thoughts - THEY BECOME WORDS Watch your words - THEY BECOME ACTIONS Watchyour actions - THEY BECOME YOUR DESTINY Remember the choice is YOURS With a BAD ATTITUDE, you can never have a positive day With a POSITIVE ATTITUDE, you can never have a bad day

Brain Games

Here is a way to test your brain status. Brain Games has tools to strengthen and test your brain status: I haven't tested it yet, however I find this site to be very useful. Free games to test out in a fun way. If you have used it, let's hear about your experience. Also, if there are similar ways to measure brain power, please add in the comments section.

5 toxins found in your deodorant

Source: via Best on Pinterest

Why is my total cholesterol number less important than my LDL (bad) cholesterol number?

Cholesterol related questions and answers at WebMD And here is another interesting article to read: 5 Foods That Can Flatten Your Belly Let's hear from you: if you have found ways to lower your LDL without statin drugs, let's hear from you.

Feeling dizzy

Feeling dizzy: This is a quote from "... When you have BPPV you find that certain positions seem to bring it on. (like bending over and turning your head to look up under a table. Or leaning your head way back to look straight up. Sometimes it's only at night when you roll into the right position and awaken right in the middle of the whirling. Between attacks often you may just feel a little unstable in space or spacey. The crystals often replace themselves. If they don't they can be treated almost 100% of the time by a series of rotational manuevers called the Epley Maneuvers. (BTW Dr. Epley is my personal vertigo physician Smile) Untreated some people suffer periodically for decades. URL: URL:

Medical Advisor Journals - Home of Kyle J. Norton for The Better of Living & Living Health: Most common Diseases of Ages of 50+: Musculo-Skele...

Medical Advisor Journals - Home of Kyle J. Norton for The Better of Living & Living Health: Most common Diseases of Ages of 50+: Musculo-Skele... : Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is medical condition mostly caused by work related occupations and working environment, affecting patien...

How to avoid being overcharged for hospital stay

Here is a wonderful article by AARP that helps you avoid being overcharged by hefty sums by the hospital you hopefully will never need to stay. However, sadly, it's fact of life, at some point in our life we need to be hospitalized. Here is ways to avoid "observation trap": Please follow this very important link to avoid ugly surprises someday: