Brain health is important. I have selected several products. You are welcome to check them out.
Brain healthy superfood coffee. Green tea matcha body lotion: moisturize and refresh

Hebepe Green Tea Matcha Face Moisturizer Cream. And Green Tea Matcha Face Mud Mask for deep cleaning, hydrating, detoxing and healing youir skin: Check them out

Green Tea mask

Here is another article: The secrets of the most productive people written on 06-25-21
Try these 9 easy exercises to train your brain to be more productive
Yes, you really can “rewire” your brain for optimal performance at work and home.
The reason for this cerebral shift is neuroplasticity—or the
brain’s ability to change and restructure itself. Every time the brain
processes new information, neurons fire, new pathways form, and the
malleable brain alters its shape and structure.
"... “There’s something hugely empowering about the idea that we, as individuals, can actually change the structure of our brains for the better,” says Ramsden. “There’s so much we can do to develop their function, which in turn can dramatically increase our productivity in the workplace.”...."
“The main point of neuroplasticity is that you can actually form and
reorganize connections in your brain,” says Dr. Marsha Chinichian, a Los
Angeles-based clinical psychotherapist and the brains behind acclaimed
mental fitness app, Mindshine.
9 techniques to “rewire” your cognitive pathways
1. Feed your brain
2. Take naps
3. Don’t let the workday linger
4. Expand your vocabulary
5. Use the “wrong” hand
6. Learn to juggle
7. Play chess
8. Do mnemonic drills
Teaching yourself mnemonic devices, like formulas or rhymes, can enhance connectivity in your prefrontal parietal network, paving the way to new, positive pathways in your brain. Get started here.
9. Be mindful, as a team (church and prayers)
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