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Showing posts from June, 2021

Life and longevity wisdom

 updated June 10, 2024 BY AGE 40 YOU SHOULD BE SMART ENOUGH TO REALIZE THIS: 1. Someone makes 10x more than you do in a 9-5 job because they have more "leverage" with their work. 2. Distraction is the greatest killer of success. It stunts and destroys your brain. 3. You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life. 4. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% your responsibility. 5. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline. 6. Unless you went to college to learn a specific skill (ie. doctor, engineer, lawyer), you can make more money in the next 90 days just learning sales. 7. No one cares about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances. 8. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete. 9. Smoking has 0 benefit in your life. This habit will only slow your thinking and lower your focus. 10. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to dep...

History of Syria - publication

  7 Best New Syria History Books To Read In 2021 As featured on CNN, Forbes and Inc – Book Authority identifies and rates the best books in the world , based on recommendations by thought leaders and experts . We may earn a commission for purchases made through links in this page. The Resistance Network The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915–1918 Khatchig Mouradian ( You? ) | Dec 31, 2020 | 4.13 The Resistance Network is the history of an underground network of humanitarians, missionaries, and diplomats in Ottoman Syria who helped save the lives of thousands during the Armenian Genocide. Khatchig Mouradian challenges depictions of Armenians as passive victims of violence and subjects of humanitarianism, demonstrating the key role they played in organizing a humanitarian resistance against the destruction of their people. Piecing together hundreds of accounts, official documents, and missionary records, Mouradian presents a social history of genocide and re...

Covid Vaccine safety reported by media and social media by individuals

August 10 update via My toddler got COVID-19. It turned our lives upside down Commentary: For a few hours, we were flirting with a worst-case scenario for my youngest, who isn't even 2 years old yet. Roger Cheng Aug. 10, 2021   ========================= via    COVID-19 vaccine details: New variants, when you can get vaccinated, hidden fees You have a lot of questions about the coronavirus vaccine, and we don't blame you one bit. Here's what we know so far about everything including vaccines for kids, going back to work and international travel. ...

Covid studies and cures -

  New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths BY  TOM OZIMEK   June 21, 2021   Updated: June 21, 2021 bigger smaller   Print A recent pre-print review based on peer-reviewed studies has found that using antiparasitic drug ivermectin could lead to “large reductions” in  COVID-19  deaths and its use could have a “significant impact” on the pandemic globally. Here are some of the responses to the above article: 6/21/2021 at 12:14 PM − Vote up +2 Vote down Such remedies do exist, but have been actively censored and suppressed More proof there are therapeutics available. The science facts are there, but they are being misinterpreted broadly. The COVID-19 injections have emergency use authorization only, which can only be granted if there are no safe and effective remedies available. Here is the CDC document outlining RT- PCR EUA for SARS COV2 – hidden – in the FDA website:… FYI: Info on tests being u...

Cleaning tips and tricks - spring cleaning

  Make your own cleaning products Claudia Sidoti, Head Chef and Head of Recipe Development at foodkit delivery service HelloFresh , believes that the easiest way to make cleaning a part of your life is to use products you already have in your kitchen. Here are her top natural cleaning supplies: Cream of tartar can act as a natural bleaching agent for white kitchen sinks or tile. Vinegar and baking soda can wipe away grease and dirt from your microwave.  Baking soda with a splash of club soda is great for stain removal, especially if your tablecloth or apron gets dirty. Get rid of soap scum and rust from your shower by rubbing affected surfaces with the cut surface of a halved lemon. Allow the juice to work its magic for about a minute, and then use a rough pad to get any remaining junk. Add one cup of undiluted lemon juice to your laundry to act as a natural bleach to clothing. Forget to use a coaster? Remove wa...

The Fentanyl Crisis

  How the fentanyl crisis at the Mexico border affects Central Texas   Here is quote from the above article: By: Cierra Shipley Posted at 5:09 PM, Jun 03, 2021 and last updated 7:47 PM, Jun 03, 2021 WACO, TX — The fentanyl crisis at the Texas/Mexico border continues as just this year an 800% increase in seizures occurred in the first four months of 2021 than the last four years combined. This may be a crisis increasing a few hundred miles away but that doesn't mean it can't make its way to us, here in Central Texas. "We're right between Austin and Dallas so that just makes us a melting pot of all kinds of stuff," Waco PD PIO Officer Garen Bynum said. I-35 is a drug trafficking corridor that runs right through Waco, so it's easy for drugs to come from Mexico. Regarding fentanyl, there is no crisi...

Benefits of Turmeric

 I have their book  Follow them on instagram at /   5 Signs of "Silent" Inflammation As scientists begin to understand the body's complex systems better, a clearer picture of how silent inflammation can impact your health is emerging. Here are five of the most common symptoms: 1. Cholesterol Imbalances: A growing body of evidence has shown that inflammation triggers increased production of cholesterol. The body attempts to use this waxy substance to protect the lining of blood vessels and arteries from damage, often leading to harmful levels of build-up. [12] 2. Elevated CRP Levels: The data linking high levels of CRP to increased heart risk has led a growing number of physicians to routinely run a test for cardiac-specific C-reactive protein. If your doctor has told you that your CRP levels are high, it's an indication that inflammation is present in your blood vessels. [4,5] 3. M...

Moderna and biotechnology news and updates

 This information is updated on Sept 23, 2021: NEWS FEATURE 14 September 2021 The tangled history of mRNA vaccines Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough. Elie Dolgin ==============================   Protecting Human Health through Biotechnology Breakthroughs and Platforms Feature Story | May 25, 2021 Noubar Afeyan is founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, and cofounder and chairman of Moderna. On November 15, 2020, after 4 months in large-scale Phase 3 clinical testing, Moderna received resounding proof that its new class of medicines based on messenger RNA encased in lipid nanoparticles could be safely deployed as a highly effec...