in: People, Social Skills
November 9, 2021
•3 Things No One Ever Told You About Making Friends in Adulthood
Quotes from above article:
1. .... One of the best ways to turn acquaintances into real friends is to start some kind of group.
.... Being proactive also means deepening the more superficial bonds you’ll form in such situations by inviting someone to hang out outside of them. For example, if you find yourself chatting each Sunday with someone at your church, eventually you invite them over for dinner.
2. It Will Take Time (A Lot More Than You Think)
Some People Are Initiators and Some People Are Not
When you’re young, hang-out plans just kind of materialize. You’re always with your friends, who throw out different ideas of things to do, and your good times just kind of emerge from the hive.
In adulthood, as previously mentioned, making plans takes some real intentionality. In the midst of busy lives, weighted with familial and professional responsibilities, someone’s got to think, “So-and-so and I should hang out,” and then turn that abstract thought into a concrete invitation.
Thus as an adult, a fact emerges that you never glimpsed growing up: not everyone is equally inclined to do this.
People can instead roughly be broken into two groups we’ll call “hosts” and “guests.”