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Cancer - causes of cancer and nanomachines that kill cancer cells

 Updated information Sept 3, 2022 Nanomachines that drill into cancer cells killing them in just 60 seconds developed by scientists   By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor 31 August 2017   ============================= Cancer - a metabolic disease, the solution is to strengthen the immune system! 07/10 by askdrjohnbergman | Health : Cancer is a metabolic disease , which means it is caused by toxins in the environment. This episode we will explore the cancer causing agents that people are exposed to as well as the toxic therapies and safer more effective alternatives. Don't miss this life saving episode!

My health notes: about clogged arteries

Updated information on April 16, 2024 Is It Possible to Unclog Your Arteries? Diet Age and risk Lifestyle changes Treatment Complications FAQ Takeaway You may be able to reverse clogged arteries through diet, physical activity, and stress management. Lifestyle changes and medications may also reduce plaque buildup. Arteries are a major component of your circulatory system. ======================= Updated information January 1, 2024 I came across this video regarding vitamin K2 @hlahore 7 days ago 00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:00 - Topics: - Introduction of guest speaker Gil Carvalo - Gil's background in biology and 00:06:26 - calcium as indicator, repair process 00:12:54 - hypothesis generating, sample size, outcomes 00:18:31 - Topics: co-enzyme impact, Matrix GLA protein, calcitonin 00:25:34 - meta analysis, calcium score, supplementation 00:32:07 - Vita...

How Your Invisible Exposome Cloud Could Be Messing With Your Health

Further research into this topic lead me to the CDC's website and here is the introductory information about what Exposome is: "What is the exposome? Success in mapping the human genome has fostered the complementary concept of the “exposome”. The exposome can be defined as the measure of all the exposures of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health. An individual’s exposure begins before birth and includes insults from environmental and occupational sources. Understanding how exposures from our environment, diet, lifestyle, etc. interact with our own unique characteristics such as genetics, physiology, and epigenetics impact our health is how the exposome will be articulated. Here is the full article Here is a very interesting article regarding autism and exposome: The Answer to Autism Lies in the Exposome [Fatherly] Lauren Vinopal FatherlyOctober 11, 2019   ====================== Mental Health Resources as of November 13, 2020 https://d...

If You Open a Watermelon and See This, Throw It Out!

Genes and Intelligence

This is very interesting article: Genetic Intelligence Tests Are Next to Worthless And not just because one said I was below average. article by CARL ZIMMER MAY 29, 2018 In my opinion, people could amass a lot of knowledge, however there are other factors that are more important to live a meaningful life. Some could be intelligent, however if they are not street smart and lack imagination to solve problems, they might encounter problems in their life. The inability to adapt could hamper progress in life. A well balanced life is important. We encounter people with great intelligence, however they might make choices that surprise us, like were they even thinking?

Relationships and personalities

Along our life's path, we meet variety of persons and personalities. Be it the family we are born into, the siblings and relatives. We encounter variety of personality traits and interactions. Some shock us with their behavior and at times you feel as if a brick hit you. Others show great harmony, which comes with maturity, which isn't defined by age. Many go in growing physically, however they are trapped and stop growing after a certain age. Some are at the 2 year old stage, others haven't matured beyond teen years and so on. Have you been the one who always has loved your family and siblings, however met with constant stone walling and abusive behavior? Are you surprised and unable to understand why kindness is met with hostility? Here is an article I would like to share with you. This article tries to help those whose empathy is met with shocking behavior and how to stop it! Your comments and insights are welcome! Why Empaths Attract Abusive People And How To Stop I...

Foods That Heal & Foods That Kill

Work Your Body For Health - Exercise!

Spinal Stenosis: Cause and Correction

Spinal Stenosis: Cause and Correction

The Great Cholesterol Deception--The Story Behind the Statins

Updated information Updated noted: Jan 5, 2024 -> Very interesting that the above video is no longer available. Have you noticed the censorship on social media? 

Healthy 5-Ingredient Granola Bars

Healthy bones collagen drink, vitamin D3 K2 and gut health, as well as recipes

If you don't have time to make your own delicious snacks, I have here few sources you might like to check out:       Get your Vitamin D3 Plus K2 in soft gel, the perfect pair for heart and bone support. Get you1r triple strength from the deep ocean: Omega-3 fish oil   Beet juice powder is great for the heart and gives you energy.  If you don't have time to cook the beets and make beet salad, this is the answer for you. Organic MCT Oil Powder to get your brain and body fuel. Gut health is extremely important to absorb all the nutrients: support your gut health with natural fiber. / This website has Whole 30 recipes - 25 paleo breakfast energy bar recipes. Paleo Cashew Protein Bars - when I get these ingredients. I'll try to make them for my family. / I have cooked pumpkins, I would ...