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Almond recipes

  Orange, cardamom and almond cake with orange-blossom yoghurt Recipe from Gourmet Traveller (December 2009/January 2010 issue) Ingredients 2 oranges, washed 250g caster sugar 1/2 tsp ground cardamom pinch of ground cinnamon 300g blanched almonds, finely ground in a food processor (I used store bought almond meal instead) 1 tsp baking powder 5 eggs Puring icing sugar, for dusting Orange-blossom yoghurt 150g thick natural yoghurt 20g pure icing sugar 1-2 tsp orange blossom water, to taste

History of Armenian Basturma + recipe

  HISTORY OF BASTURMA Armenian: ԱՊՈՒԽՏ via FB Les Recettes Arméniennes !!!! group   Also called Bastirma or Pastirma, is an air-dried cured beef which has been strongly seasoned and is popularly consumed in the former Ottoman countries.The Bastirma is derived from Turkish word bastırma et . Bastirma et is non-finite verb of the word bastırmak , which means “to depress or restrain”. Various types of Bastirma recipes are enjoyed throughout the Eastern Europe. The Bastirma is famous throughout the region with names such as pastërma in Albania, basterma in Arabia, basturma in Armenia, basdırma in Azerbaijan, pastrma in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia, pastărma in Bulgaria, pastourmás or pastroumás in Greece, and pastramă in Romania. Many people confuse Bastirma with pastrami which is a different type of meat preparation which has Yiddish origins. It is variously known as pastirma to (pastrómeh) in Yiddish. History of Pastirma:- The first recorded mention of Basturma dates ...

Brioche and bread recipes

Quick Brioche Bun Recipe Ingredients 1 cup warm water (105-115 degrees F) ¼ cup warm milk (105-115 degrees F, whole milk is best) 1 tablespoon instant (rapid-rise) yeast 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 ½ teaspoons salt 1 egg 2 cups all purpose flour 1 ½ cups white whole wheat flour 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (at room temperature, cut into 4 pieces) For the egg wash: 1 egg 1 tablespoon milk   Sourdough Starter The truly ambitious (and house-bound) can spend the next five days developing their very own sourdough starter. All you need is milk, plain yogurt (full fat, with active cultures), white flour, water — and patience. The natural bacteria in the yogurt help get the starter going.   How to Make Self-Rising Flour If your quick bread recipe calls for self-rising flour, and all you have is all-purpose (or whatever was left on the shelf), you can easily DIY it. For each cup of flour, whis...

Coronavirus vaccine comments via social media

Feb 12, 2021: on twitter: 𝙳𝚛 𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚖 𝙺𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚗 @DrPunamKrishan · Feb 11 Fact: Vaccine side effects are better than getting COVID. I’ve had patients decline the vaccine due to fear of side effects Yes, the vaccine can make you feel a bit groggy (achey arm, headache, fever) but these are transient & a sign that your immune system is responding well. Howard Griffiths @HowardGriffiths Replying to @DrPunamKrishan We are looking for reassurance...Our 78 year old father had his Oxford AstraZeneca 1st jab 27th January. He has been extremely tired ever since. He has numerous medical conditions & very low platelets but normally active. He seems to be fading. 18 days on is this normal? Folded hands  ==================  @JohnKeith53 · Feb 14 Replying to @DrPunamKrishan My wife and I both had the Astrazeneca vaccine on Friday. Little reaction in me, slight headache, but my wife said she got the shivers and felt very cold in the night. She is convinced she had Covid l...

Armenian lenten vegetarian recipes: lentils + eggplant Bostania from Ourfa

 Various recipes via social media: Armenian Cooking  Facebook group Ancestor's LENTEN Cuisine BOSTANIA  from  OURFA Armenians 1 cup of red lentils 1 cup of coarse bulghur 2 eggplants 3 tomatoes Salt For the sauce – 2 tablespoons of tomato/pepper sauce 1 clove of garlic red and black pepper mint, Sumac Pomegranate syrup Lemon juice Boil the lentils, then add the bulghur and continue to boil. Add the chopped eggplants and tomatoes and cook until the soup becomes starchy. Serve lukewarm or cold, with a sour and hot sauce on the side.

Apple and fruit cake recipe - variations

 I have made variation of this cake: 2 large Gala apples, peeled and chopped as finely as possible Orange juice to soak apples in 3 cups all-purpose flour ½ tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup sugar 1 cup Private Reserve extra virgin olive oil 2 large eggs ⅔ cup gold raisins, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes and then drained well Confectioner's sugar for dusting   substituted the all purpose flour with whole wheat  1 1/2 cup and I had chestnut flour, so 1 1/2 cups of chestnut flour. I used soaked raisins + cut up apricots, figs and dates as well yummy!   The above was posted on FB:

Tuna salad recipes

 I will try this recipe by @kitchen3n and I will add my own version: Let me know what's your tuna salad version? Do you have a sardine version?

Interview with Prof. Dolores Cahill

The Mind-Blowing Science of Fat-Burning and Insulin Resistance with Dr. ...

Vaccine information in the news

  The Second COVID-19 Shot Is a Rude Reawakening for Immune Cells Side effects are just a sign that protection is kicking in as it should. ================== In our attempt to contain one virus, we silenced several others. I wrote about this year's bizarre flu season—our quietest in years—and what it could mean for our future. 1/4 Science The Pandemic Broke the Flu This winter has been an extraordinarily quiet flu season. Scientists aren’t sure the silence will last.that protection is kicking in as it should. Katherine J. Wu February 2, 2021  See also:

Unboxing snacks from Armenia - Ararat Box

Pharmacy and Medecine

  Facilitating pharma's future BioCentriq, New Jersey’s newest CDMO, is designed to help usher in the next era of cell and gene therapy By Karen Langhauser, Chief Content Director Feb 04, 2021 Launching a state-of-the-art facility focused on filling critical gaps in manufacturing cell and gene therapy — revolutionary yet complex treatments with the potential to change medicine — is no easy feat. It’s a given that it takes years of planning, millions in financial resources, a focused business model and ample technical and regulatory expertise.

I make bread for dinner in 10 minutes! # 444